

Documents belonging to the Świętolipska Collection were digitalized in 2021 as part of the project "Unique collections of Polish music in the Library of Collegium Bobolanum - maintenance and sharing".

Scans of these documents are placed on the platform of the Polish Digital Library Polona ( https://polona.pl ), which are available to the National Library in Warsaw (address: Biblioteka Narodowa, Warszawa, Al. Niepodległości 213; contact: https://www.bn.org.pl/ ; tel. (22) 608 23 30 / e-mail: bninform@bn.org.pl ) – please look for scans of these documents there.

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The originals of documents belonging to the Świętolipska Collection are subject to strict legal and librarian protection. Both the digitalization and conservation of the Świętolipska Collection were aimed at protecting these valuables musical documents and therefore Biblioteka Bobolanum cannot make them directly available.
Opublikowano 16/03/2022 • Pokaż wszystkie wiadomości
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