Wyniki wyszukiwania: 2.

Intelligentsia science : the Russian century, 1860-1960 / ed. by Michael D. Gordin, Karl Hall and Alexei Kojevnikov.

autorstwa: Gordin, Michael D [Red.] | Koževnikov, Aleksej Borisovič [Red.] | Hall, Karl [Red.].

Serie: Osiris ; vol. 23 (2008), 2nd ser. | Osiris : studies on the history and philosophy of science, and on the history of learning and culture | Studies on the History and Philosophy of Science, and on the History of Learning and Culture | Osiris : a research journal devoted to the history of science and its cultural influences | Research Journal devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences | Osiris (Bruges)*Rodzaj materiału: Tekst Tekst; Format: druk ; Forma literacka: Tekst nieliteracki Publication details: Washington : Georgetown University, 2008Dostęp online: Spis treści Status: Egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: Biblioteka Bobolanum (1) . Lokalizacja(e): Sygnatura: PIS.III.9171.

The Self as Project : Politics and the Human Sciences / ed. by Greg Eghigian, Andreas Killen and Christine Leuenberger.

autorstwa: Leuenberger, Christine [Red.] | Killen, Andreas [Red.] | Eghigian, Greg, (1961- ) [Red.].

Serie: Osiris ; vol. 22 (2007), 2nd ser. | Osiris : studies on the history and philosophy of science, and on the history of learning and culture | Studies on the History and Philosophy of Science, and on the History of Learning and Culture | Osiris : a research journal devoted to the history of science and its cultural influences | Research Journal devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences | Osiris (Bruges)*Rodzaj materiału: Tekst Tekst; Format: druk ; Forma literacka: Tekst nieliteracki ; Przeznaczenie czytelnicze: Odbiorca wyspecjalizowany; Publication details: Washington : Georgetown University, 2007Dostęp online: Spis treści Status: Egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: Biblioteka Bobolanum (1) . Lokalizacja(e): Sygnatura: PIS.III.9172.

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